Put your best foot forward. That would be my left one. Yeah. I actually know which is my best foot… I had hoped December would have been more of a month of reflection. It’s just been another month of tackling challenges. I’ve started in early on a resolution to have pretty, princessy feet for …
Category Archives: health
A Silence Time
What? It’s a new year? Twice over now? No. You can’t fool me with that talk. There’s nothing new about this year. It is decidedly a continuation of the last one- which was, in fact, a new year; though I won’t trouble you with an explanation of how time does not move the way you …
Nothing else for it.
{ Familial feet } Blog’s been quiet for a while now. I’m sure by now all six seven of you subscribed readers are desperate and foaming at the mouth to have another precious gem of a ‘me’ filtered blog entry.(Can you even imagine the layers of embittered sarcasm in the tones of that sentence? Probably not. But …