My life isn’t all doom and misery all the time! Honest it isn’t! (For a slog through my personal hell see: previous blog entries about health issues that go back a few years) To prove bad luck isn’t the only thing grinning at me with Cheshire whites, I’m going to start a little a string …
Category Archives: health
Summer started and is having fun with my already questionable circadian cycles. But before I start complaining about not enough sleep- Am I better from the thing yet? Getting there. I guess. Week four post surgery seems to have been a turning point. For the first time in perhaps months, I had real energy go …
What the hell is that uterus for?
Photo by RDNE Stock project When I got sick with Brucellosis et al, I did a bunch of tests to show that it was indeed bacterial infections screwing me over. Doctors needed all the proofsss. And even then, some of them- (assholes!)- shrugged at the fact that my spleen was enlarged, and I did have some kidney …