You know you are in tune with something in the universe when- on a whim- you call your new journal book for the year Lilac Viper and then see that lilacs are featured in a new (but not so great) Nosferatu movie that keeps making itself known in my social media feeds.
I connect. It connects…
And that is neat, but pointless- The point has shifted to a line that connects, you see –
A line scribbled by the non-dominant hand of a three year old ~
~ The child is uncomfortable ~
It’s fire season in SoCal.
David Lynch is dead.
My human (partner) continues to paint and paint (NOW IN COLOR!) and hopes a broader population will do more than stand back and gawp the work-
While we both internally scream:
How hard is this?! FFS, guys…
And neither of us are greedy for a life of excesses. We aren’t anywhere near that sort of existence!
We are in need.
Is that clear enough? Is the word need confusing?
One sale less than every third blue moon doesn’t make it exactly easy to live on this planet within these ridiculous human constructs you like to wrap yourselves in.
Work, work, positive press, and praise- yet!- for example-:
When can I live in a proper house?
Am I not a delicate modern humanoid who could benefit from having a reasonable place to call home… and not be in debt for it?
I am already so uncomfortable in my body and I can’t even have a comfortable place to rest myself?
I am doing to be dead before I ever know the comfort of a my own proper living space?
“But Ther-,” a voice says,
“You are being overly dramatic. Any one else could ‘get by’ just fine. Suck it up. Quit complaining and take on another two or three jobs. Never mind that you have been grappling (suicidal) with mental and physical health issues for six sparkling years… Surely, you can ignore all the distress you are in and put yourself out there more. Work harder. That will fix everything.”
And I can hear an ever crueler translation of that voice say,
“You aren’t worth the effort. You aren’t worth anything. You are a mere nice thing so just shut up; bend over again and be taken for the nothing you are.”
Yes, I do hear such dark things in my head.
So this is my call to action:
Prove the voices wrong.
Take action.
Buy art. All the art.
Support artists.
You who have means, show me with swift and useful actions that you know how to stave off the dark.
Maybe then I will smile more.