The saga of tm’s questionable health continues. Tests came back positive for Bartonella. Due to my wonderful third world living circumstances, I contracted a new bacterial infection from fleas brought into the house by a kitten. The kitten was brought into the house by a certain SOME ONE. No one else has been effected by the bacteria. …
Tag Archives: words
It’s not HIV!
Into June, into insomnia. Along with a host of other symptoms that indicate a bacterial infection, I am doing juuust “splendidly.” I have been a year and a half of my life under trash clouds threatening refuse deluges knowing- more or less- that it’s because of bacterial infection. As I told one of my brothers …
A Benediction Of Sorts
May you all have the means of maintaining a pleasant homeostasis within your corporeal being. May compassion, empathy, wisdom, and grace not elude you. May you find and create more positive feedback loops. Happy holidays and happy New Year!