Who got theyself out to Nuebo Yorq last month? Was it meee?! It was unusually rough in the time leading up to this trip to New York though. There was certainly some energy against us at the beginning. I felt absolutely miserable about going. For no identifiable reason. Hugo was overly anxious about his show, …
Category Archives: writing
La Rumorosa
Before I came down with a cold for my birthday, I took a day trip- no, this was definitely a road trip- out to Mexicali. Why? I hadn’t been there! And I had a chance to go. Simple enough. What I knew about this city was hearsay: the only thing you can do in Mexicali is be …
Productivity, thy name is… Espresso
It happened! Before I got all my stitches removed, I hauled my butt over to- even more warm weather, sunshine, palm trees, ocean, and Spanish. I took my DFSP adventure time all the way to Miami, Fla. We time traveled twice over: moving three hours ahead plus an hour for daylight savings time. So during that first …