Champiñones con ajo Our plan for Sunday was a giddy success. Because Cafe De La Flor still has the best mushroom dish in all of anywhere around (and that Italian panini thing isn’t so bad either), we shrugged off the brunching yuppie families and fresas to have our menu favorites at the cafe before walking …
Category Archives: TMi
Dessert? No, not this time.
Canned FLOWERS! The other evening I picked up some canned Flor de Calabaza. Yeah, that would be a can of salt water and squash blossoms. This was my first time eating the flower and I am left asking why flowers aren’t in everyone’s diet – all. the. time. Sure, saltwater logged flowers lack the grandeur of the fresh …
Death leans in close these days
de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est José Emilio Pacheco, famous Mexican poet dies January 26. The cause – cardiorespiratory arrest. He had been hospitalized on Saturday after falling and hitting his head. Last night I briefly attended a wake for the sister of the cousin (Pancho) who lives next door. I left before it got …