Summer is stuffy, humid, rotting wood, spores, insects… Daydreaming intensifies The need to escape persists I move inside spaces without purpose Playing make-pretends with the walls looking on While my guts ache and my spine crumbles Neuromuscular issues never quite gone Frittering in uncertainty I wish I could sing
Category Archives: health
So Then South Dakota Happened
This is a long post. And certainly chock full of mistakes. Deal with it. 💙 I did a “wild” thing this month. I crossed the busiest international border in the world and took two flights during a global software hiccough to go to the Voices Against Cancer 605 Pop-Culture Con in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. …
Now back to our regularly scheduled-
September became October. October slipped away from me completely. I was aware of it going. The days refused to match up with the numbers assigned to them. The clocks changed. My focus was on the next moment. And the next moment. Maybe the next day I’ll feel better. Maybe the next day I’ll get to …