I’ve been in lockdown for a month. An itch to cross the border comes over me now once in a while, but with about 2000 known cases of the virus in the San Diego county, why would I want to go up there? After all, I could remain south of the border, where there is …
Tag Archives: words
Wednesday I went to Tijuana and then across into San Diego. I didn’t exactly know it at the time, but it turns out that was the last time I’ll be making the crossing for at least a month. The border will be closed to ‘non-essential’ travel by midnight Friday- today. It seemed like there were …
Learn Nothing Leering
in all the sparkling hosts that sparkling host-ess cup cake of welcoming sweetest smiling red and velvet lips speaking nothing but welcome warmly crushed by selective perception in idiot wonder watch her sparkler smoke and ashes you learn nothing leering