That it happened at all = a success.

To all the gaming/ comic book/ sci-fi/ fantasy/ cartoon/ graphic novel/ anime/ BRONY(!)/ conventions with corporate sponsors, ‘famous people’ appearances, press agencies, advertising campaigns and spending budgets well over the few pesos that these young people have- I say-

 SUCK IT. The success of this little convention was that it happened at all: not the tally of thousands that passed through or how much money it made back. this event was like a fair at school, but the kids, for kids they were, had taken over an almost abandoned mall to, because they are brought up as humble Mexicans, respectfully run amok. There were attempts at costumes, but you could see that these kids were lucky to have a pink wig to don or a deck of cards to play and trade with. 
They served bento lunches in a Tijuana sort of way and the music was alright, as I recall. (Except deafening. Thank the gods for ear plugs! Borrowed as they were. Ick.) 

Here. And I am where?

I am so very fortunate to have been able to travel to NYC twice in one summer! This is madhattery with the income I have. But that is the way I have been doing everything since stumbling out into this modern world. Scared senseless about all the tiny details and blundering onward.

More travel was intended this year but nothing more is on the horizon now. The slate wiped clean again. I am back in Baja regrouping, getting over a cold (thanks Dan), buried in virtual piles office work, and trying to find new daydreams to follow through with. Move or Die echos in my under-hearing.
And oh yes, you should have seen me go from zero (chills, body aches, feverish mental state) to frelling pissed off like a rutting stag at an all male review ready to gore anything that moves funny. I probably just generated a cancer in the process… but there it went.. this rage.. ripping me right out of the duuuh. And why? Well I don’t know why it was so intense but I was supposed to be convalescing peacefully and there are how many emails in my inbox to address!? plus a meeting to postpone, plus several editing tasks I can’t finish… plus this movie with everyone in Korea screaming in Korean (what else?), plus tuneless whistle sounds pouring loudly out of the studio, plus the dog barking; all adding up to create a zesty headache blend of I am going to kill everyone! So in about three hours, I broke out of my fever almost completely. Thank you once again, Dark Side of the Force.
What balanced me out was the dream I had that night. My subconscious- or other friendly spirits out there, reminded me that it is still a group effort and not everything is on my shoulders all the time. We do pull together for a greater good. And screw you Ayn Rand.

But none of that was the point.
Optimistic daydreaming was the point. Let’s get on with more of that.
Cargo freighters going where?…

Smelly ear snot.