June 14th would have been Ko Murobushi‘s birthday. June 18th will be the 5th anniversary of his death. He was one of my butoh teachers.Last year I wrote some words for his birthday, but did not publish them at that time. I reworked them now into something better than before; maybe. The words are not adequate, …
Category Archives: writing
Flowering Forsythia
I’ve been in lockdown for a month. An itch to cross the border comes over me now once in a while, but with about 2000 known cases of the virus in the San Diego county, why would I want to go up there? After all, I could remain south of the border, where there is …
Cancer and Gratitude
Thanks even in the middle of no thanks. These recent cancer episodes in my life have left me mangled, near to breaking point. And I have been trying to put on a brave front and not let on- Let on that I had to see a doctor this month because my entire digestive tract basically stopped. …