I’ve been in lockdown for a month. An itch to cross the border comes over me now once in a while, but with about 2000 known cases of the virus in the San Diego county, why would I want to go up there? After all, I could remain south of the border, where there is …
Category Archives: writing
Cancer and Gratitude
Thanks even in the middle of no thanks. These recent cancer episodes in my life have left me mangled, near to breaking point. And I have been trying to put on a brave front and not let on- Let on that I had to see a doctor this month because my entire digestive tract basically stopped. …
I Wore My Own Scars For Halloween
Who got theyself out to Nuebo Yorq last month? Was it meee?! It was unusually rough in the time leading up to this trip to New York though. There was certainly some energy against us at the beginning. I felt absolutely miserable about going. For no identifiable reason. Hugo was overly anxious about his show, …