{ s elf } A Grate Full -of lint or ash or wet, dead leaves… or something pleasant maybe. can you find something pleasant in a grate? or do grates just grate you. In lieu of a rant post (because tis the fourth year designated for ranting) here below is a collection of words, a …
Category Archives: TMi
{pan ducle en OXXO. for no reason.} GoooooooooL for today: (because I still have a really hard time doing this.) to write something in my blog AND PUBLISH IT. ..ublish it. bulshi it. Aaand there we have it! Bullshit! (You see? Do you see how my brain can work sometimes?) Awesome-sauce’em. Now, be warned. This rambling came …
low res
I am ever so much braver than your empty gestures of civilization