May you all have the means of maintaining a pleasant homeostasis within your corporeal being. May compassion, empathy, wisdom, and grace not elude you. May you find and create more positive feedback loops. Happy holidays and happy New Year!
Category Archives: TMi
Noticeable Improvement!
I was told- to my face- without any alternative tests being done, that all my results were bogus and that I could not possibly have brucellas abortus or Salmonella. Why? Because. I. didn’t. look. sick. I didn’t have a fever. So what if my spleen was enlarged and my left kidney showed signs of infection, …
More Travel for Work
First, the good news: Human and I went to the nation’s capital, not to engage with the swaths of costumed merry-making students over-running the streets, but to find out more information about another video portrait. I cannot talk even talk about it yet. Things are super exciting and we haven’t even started! We are already …