Photo by RDNE Stock project When I got sick with Brucellosis et al, I did a bunch of tests to show that it was indeed bacterial infections screwing me over. Doctors needed all the proofsss. And even then, some of them- (assholes!)- shrugged at the fact that my spleen was enlarged, and I did have some kidney …
Category Archives: life
Numb with endless disappointment
Thoughts about my birthday have barely come to mind this year. I used to be such a Taurus desiring to celebrate the whole month of May. Celebrate all the lovely Taureans; celebrate May Day; celebrate Beltane; celebrate Star Wars Day; celebrate moms; celebrate Lemuralia, birds, turtles, goths, geeks, composting, limericks, irises, archery, decency, paper airplanes, …
Don’t Look Now! It’sssss –
Just when you think you are getting better- ANEMIA! When you’ve had multiple bacterial strains dipping into your iron stores and you keep on bleeding out every month, it becomes difficult to keep iron-ated.. ferrated… ferreted… ferrets? Yeah, I’ve been taking supplements, but, well, taking them unsupervised by a medical professional- and not really knowing …