July! The month were the house starts to kill me in the manner of a slow cook oven.My space is constantly stuffy. Even with the windows open and the fans going. Heat rashes adorn my hand and feet like awful henna designs.It’s been hard to sleep. It’s been hard to not get depressed.It’s been hard to concentrate. Fortunately, …
Tag Archives: words
Lemuralia, It’s Halloween In May!
Happy Halloween, biz-nich-izzles! It’s May. It’s spring! It’s time to celebrate Lemuralia! Wut?Is that a kind of lemur party? Well, no, not quite. Before the Catholic Christians messed around with the dates- as they always seemed to do- the month of May was the time when some ancient Europeans would turn their thoughts to lemures or the dead- the …
Nature Hates Me
Happy March everyone? It’s that time when we all reflect upon Julius Caesar’s wild death, palm frond crosses, and… leprechauns. And I guess we should all take the time to think back on a whole year of stupidity driven global pandemic. By the way – HAVE YOU DONE THAT YET?! Personally, it’s been a weird …