October has been a month dedicated to glitchtober on instagram! (And keeping depression at bay.)
As with most communities, I’ve been shy to interact with glitch people. I don’t know enough about programming languages, software, or hardware… Blah blah.. listen to me and my insecurities blaaahhhh-
I challenged myself this time to participate in the community. And, because I am me, I made it even less relatable to anyone!
I incorporated another thing I have been appreciating recently: acting performances by Lars Mikkelsen.
Yup. I like glitch.
And, yup, I have a professional crush on Lars Mikkelsen.
Why not mash these things together? The absurdity tickled my brain. And mine alone, it seems
For glitchtober there is a prompt given each day for artists to interpret so I am guilty of spending hours combing through Lars’ work for scenes to fit each prompt. (Thank the maker for pirated materials on the internet! ☠ ) Naturally, after spending a month with his characters I am an even bigger fan. Lars has an Emmy for a reason!
Yeah, I know, how very hipster of me to stan the “obscure” famous people: Ko Murobushi, Yukio Waguri… and now tm’s got yet another “old man” performer influence running in their head. Heaven help my sanity.
Why am I like this?! I scream into the void.
Because it’s lonely trying to share and having this feeling like you suck at it-
Oh, great.
Here is my depression again.
Now I’m going to start bitching about how everything is horrible.
Ugh. Excuse me while I go back to pixel trashing things so I don’t have to think about being a trash misfit (hashtag trash daddy!), misaligned with the rest of the universe.
If you are curious, look up @mrmzther on Instagram to see what a mess I made.