Category Archives: TMi
Third Hand Reporting – Murder?
{sketch-while-wait} On Friday, while Human and I were well into our nearly 3 hour wait on the border to cross into the US, cops came around to the lot that half-way surrounds the house to collect a dead body. In case you lost count, this is dead body number 2 this year found in the …
The old papers
Back before we were all bathed in glowy, glow of 0110111101101110011001010111001100100000011000010110111001100100001000000111101001100101011100100110111101110011 we were bathed in mangled trees; lignocellulosic fibrous material; paper. Hard copy. My parents sent me a box of personal history in the mail awhile back and I have been looking through it a little bit here and there. Scraps of stories, dream diaries, poem fragments: the work …