It happened! Before I got all my stitches removed, I hauled my butt over to- even more warm weather, sunshine, palm trees, ocean, and Spanish. I took my DFSP adventure time all the way to Miami, Fla. We time traveled twice over: moving three hours ahead plus an hour for daylight savings time. So during that first …
Category Archives: TMi
test results are in – one in a million, kid
Ask me what I did in 2017. I can tell you that I got a big raise. I can say I was on international TV. I took trips to New Orleans and Montreal, Canada. I spent some time in L.A. I performed on stages. I made stop motion videos shown in an art gallery… I can also …
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New Feet, New Year
Put your best foot forward. That would be my left one. Yeah. I actually know which is my best foot… I had hoped December would have been more of a month of reflection. It’s just been another month of tackling challenges. I’ve started in early on a resolution to have pretty, princessy feet for …