Morelia Travel Mini Series: A Sort of Photo Essay

This is going to be a simple post to start off with. I’ll just throw at you a string of photos- in no particular order- that don’t even scratch the surface of how amazing it was to be in a Mexican colonial city. Especially after I’ve spent the bulk my time in Mexico in a place …

Morelia Travel Mini Series: The Intro

Hey everyone! I did something really stupid this year! I traveled to the south of Mexico for a week during a pandemic! Welcome to my Morelia Travel Mini Series of blog posts.  Over the next when-ever-I-can-bring-myself-to-do-its,  I will publish posts about spending late October – the beginning of November 2020 in the lovely, historic Morelia. …

Coffee at the Ranch

I was invited to a cook out on Wednesday- yesterday at a little ranch up the road. I social distanced in the shade of actual trees with other humans, sheep, goats, horses, a mismatched pack of dogs, chickens, turkeys, peacocks…  I really wasn’t expecting this kind of place just off the main road, but there …