A tiny miracle happened down here in this land of bottle water and drafty sunshine. A friend from waay up in Queens made the trek across the states and the border to see a bit of the life that is Baja- Below. I had this impression that no one would EVER take me up on my offer to come down to see Jesus embracing the Pacific Ocean, hear chickens that need their timers reset, cuddle baby lions… and then- the stars aligned just right and
Hiram Pines shows up with one of his L.A. friends,
Jess Porter.
Luh-vly PEOPLE! We sat and had a laugh about German – our different levels of language understanding being the funniest part. Our word for the day was the verb transitive- to prostitute. We drank a lively, satisfying wine with other local goodies from one of my favoritest stops along the wine route
La Casa Dona Lupe. For me, it is the Italian(!) / Mexican equivalent of
Brookfield Apple Orchard in Massachusetts; which I visited often enough in my youth to have a forever fondness for it. They don’t serve those apple dumplings with ice cream w/ cheddar cheese, but they have more kinds of amazing jams than you can think of in 5 mins. Mango loquat anyone? Oh, digressions- I digress.

Our day was full of touristy things, art, food (crash course in macrobiotics), language, mourning pets (R.I.P. George), de-wicked candles… but mostly a great spirit. It was such a small happening, a little blip in the machinations of madness, but it was very, very bright.
From this little gathering of similar spirits, I remembered my scriptures about how a little wine making the heart merry, not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together and the breaking of the bread… all out of dogmatic context and yet so very spiritually satisfying. The effect is still we me. And with Human. We are very thankful that this was able to happen.