The profound unfairness of being seen

The world around me is in Hi-Def once again. This image is not.

For those of you who don’t know the semi-blind experience:
There is nothing like having your good pair of glasses snap in two beyond the repair of even duct tape. You are forced to become more aware of the ‘other’ eyes that you have. You learn to see though memory when so much of what is around you ceases to have definite shape / line. And oh, seeing through memory does not make things more beautiful. The idea is lovely, but just try it. If you have fuzzy memory, you are screwed. It will take you 20 minutes to find the wallet that you did not place in its usual place, though it in still in ‘plain sight.’
Then dealing with people. That is awkward. People’s eyes blur to smudges and you can’t help feeling a profound unfairness of being seen without seeing in return… so there is just no seeing eye to eye with the people you pass on the street or the neighbor next door. They may wave and say hello, but it is very difficult to tell if an apple pie or a shotgun is underneath the greeting. Add to that a language barrier and the whole middle-distant world and beyond goes xeno{ξένος}. I have learned that I am a very frustrated unit when incoming visual data is not clear enough. It is a complete hindrance to my job as a watcher– and I have enough faulty wiring to deal with as it is!
In short, if you have your eyes intact and full functional, be thankful for them. If you have glasses, show the object some love. And don’t break ’em.

Flowers for the Dead

I have to say, I was disappointed with the Day Of the Dead in northern Mexico. They have the chance to celebrate THREE DAYS of DEAD and.. they just haven’t got the sense to do it.
So the occasion turned out to be more like a completely lame St. Valentines Day: Buy last minute flowers and candy, put them on a grave.. go home and drink. (I am guessing that last part, but prolly so true) Some places had altars up for a whole week,which, yes, was very cool, but on the whole, it was a lame experience.  << if  you would like some further reading (and I KNOW you DO) this is a nice write up about the flowers and their link to the holiday. I love that there are bright orange flowers dedicated to the dead- that aren’t anything to do with lilies, tiger or otherwise. 

A childish wish.

Dear Cable Networks,
My name is Theresa. I would like to be on television. I would like to have my own show on television.
It would make me happy to have a show because then I would have the care and kind attentions of all the people I love that I have lost to the television shows. 

Please make my wish come true.

Theresa  – Age 4