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What’s this about then, eh?
Good question. I’m glad you asked!
I found a pixelated and very ghosted bootleg upload of the amazing film Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence starring this David fellow from England in the role of Jack Celliers. The movie is in English and Japanese, but for this one I think the subtitles were in Turkish. Anyway, the corrupted movie file inspired me to dabble around with some video manipulation software that I have.
Give the actual, glitch free movie a viewing sometime. If you don’t know the movie: it’s- among other things- a frustrated romance set in a WWII POW camp, based on books written by Laurens van der Post, and directed by Ōshima Nagisa. The soundtrack was composed by another star of the movie, Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Here is the the composer playing a gorgeous version of the main theme without the 80’s synth treatment which was used in the film itself.